VPS Hosting – Eternity Global Limited
If you are a professional forex trader and use the MetaTrader4 trading platform (24 hours a day online), then a VPS (Virtual Dedicated Server) is the ideal choice. A VPS lets you trade anywhere in the world on any computer, offers robust security, fast speeds, reduces slippage and even operates in power outages. Many forex traders use a VPS, as it provides an uninterrupted operating environment.
Link – Eternity Global Limited VPS Hosting
Apply For VPS Hosting :
1. Verify that your previous month’s trading volume is greater than 100 lots.
2. Once you have completed the application form, the server provider will send an email to ETERNITY GLOBAL LIMITED confirming your details. Once confirmed, they will send access details for your VPS to your email.
3. Complete the VPS virtual server application form below:
For interested traders, ETERNITY GLOBAL LIMITED recommends using VPS hosting located at the Equinix NY4 data center, as their VPS can link directly to our trading server.
This VPS offers free monthly trading for volumes over 100 lots for customers. (NOTE: If the total monthly transactions are less than 100 lots, a fee for the VPS hosting will be charged).
Just click on the “application form” button below and complete the form to apply for a VPS.
Note: ETERNITY GLOBAL LIMITED is not a VPS provider and does not assume responsibility for any loss due to possible problems caused to you by using a VPS.